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Oregon Soil Corporation
Since 1988

Oregon Soil

Dan Holcombe



Nature's Very Own Finest Plant Food

Vermi-Grow is a completely recycled product. Food waste is diverted from landfill blended and fed to our worms the formula produces a consistently superior product improving soil dynamics, fertility and increasing yields.


Vermi-Grow has been in research and development for the best part of 10 years resulting in a consistently superior product. Growth trials were done at Ohio State University, funded in part from the USDA / Small Business Innovative Research Program where this product has been in that program for 10 years. Research Showed

  1. A significant increase in germination ratios
  2. Early root and leaf development
  3. Healthier and hardier plants
  4. Increased yields
  5. Improved soil dynamics

Research has shown Vermi-Grow to be an effective soil amendment improving soil dynamics, increasing moisture holding ability, reducing nutrient leaching and the active bacteria, and enhancing the uptake of vital micro-nutrients.

Effects of vermicomposts on growth of tomatoes:

Responses in germination of tomatoes to vermicompost applications in the greenhouse in MM360 (with all needed nutrients supplied):

Current research from the North Carolina State University, showing cucumber (Cucumis sativus) at 30 days, in comercial soil + Osmocote (left) and commercial soil + 1/3 Vermi-grow (right):

Increased early root development, current research at North Carolina State University:


Suggested retail pricing  $7.50/gallon; your cost $4.00/gallon.

Current bag sizes:

  • 8 qt. $14.95; your cost $8.00
  • 12 qt. $21.79; your cost $12.00
  • 16 qt. $29.95; your cost $16.00

100 or more 3% discount; 500 or more 7% discount; Pallet price available


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Everyone needs to be concerned about the state of our natural resources. Osc is concerned, and is proud to be the leader in vermicuture research and development.

These are companies that share, with OSC the belief that vemicuture technology is the future for solid food waste disposal.

And we can help.

See what other people think about Oregon Soils Corporation.